Startup Spotlight #9: The Future of AI Digital Workers?
Not long ago, clones used to be a topic reserved for sci-fi novels and cinema screens. But with AI making digital clones a reality, can today's startup turn them into a successful business?
Digital clones represent a highly promising application for AI. But what’s crucial to understand is that this concept encompasses two distinct areas.
The first, more obvious area involves AI employees, or digital workers, created by cloning the functions currently performed by humans. However, there are situations where it’s necessary to replicate not the functions or the knowledge, but the thought processes and personality of a specific individual.
These specific cases open up a vast market of coaches, consultants, mentors, and teachers. In these areas, people typically pay not for a collection of formal knowledge, but for the personality of a particular expert whose advice and guidance they seek.
And that’s the second lucrative area! However, AI clones for this purpose must be created using principles distinct from those used for developing “regular” AI employees. Turns out, that is entirely feasible, as demonstrated by the example of today’s startup — one that emerged from nowhere, already armed with its first millions in investments.